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Building Peace Through Education

Building Peace Through Education

A Good Reason to Invest in Education

Peacebuilding is a fundamental Canadian value and what we all strive and hope for in our world.  That is why we should be paying some attention to ‘Learning for Peace’, UNICEF’s largest global peacebuilding program.  Initiated in 2012 in partnership with the government of the Netherlands, ‘Learning for Peace’ is an innovative, cross-sectoral initiative to address root causes of conflict and strengthen resilience, social cohesion and human security in 14 conflict-affected countries.  Taking place in schools, Learning for Peace is a unique initiative to bridge education and peacebuilding.  At a special event on June 30, 2016, UNICEF celebrated the achievements of this programme and launched its final piece of research, examining the impact of conflict on education inequality and gender parity. UNICEF’s work to enhance access to safe, quality education, protection and development opportunities for youth offers crucial contributions to peace.

To learn more about the crucial role of education in peacebuilding, read more on the Global Partnership for Education blog:

If you too feel strongly that Canada should invest in education in development for a more peaceful world, let your MP know and send him/her a letter.  A sample letter can be found here:

